St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish – Brooklyn, NY

Sisters in New York recently enjoyed a special Family Mass and a celebration of our Congregation’s 150th Jubilee at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Brooklyn ! Reverend Greg Markulak, CM con-celebrated Mass with Rev. Msgr. Tom Machalski, who gave a special homily focusing on the good work of the Sisters. Sister Joanne Mary Goscicki spoke about the history of our Congregation. Mr. Frank Carbone, President of St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy offered his own words of gratitude and admiration for the work of the Sisters and how the many lives gathered for this Mass have been touched by the Sisters. A group of students from the Academy presented flowers to the Sisters and took photos before families and students gathered for a delicious breakfast.

St. Katherine of Siena Parish – Philadelphia, PA

The Parish family at St. Katherine of Siena Church helped Sisters in Philadelphia celebrate our 150th Jubilee! Sister Antonina and her students prepared an art exhibit about the life of our Mother Foundress and Father Zaleski hosted a delicious dinner for everyone. Thank you for making our 150th Jubilee celebration so special!