On February 4, 2025 Sr. Lidia Misiak defended her postgraduate thesis at Pontificia Università Lateranense entitled “Il cammino virtuoso verso la santità della Venerabile Serva di Dio Suor Malgorzata Ludwika Banaś (1896-1966)”.
In order to be able to serve as Sister Margaretta Banaś’s postulator, the Sister was required to complete the Scuola di Alta Formazione in Cause dei Santi and obtain the Diploma di specializzazione in Cause dei Santi.
This was a two-year post-graduate study conducted by the Dicastero delle Cause dei Santi in cooperation with PUL/Pontificia Università Lateranense. Sister Lidia began school in October 2023 and graduated in February 2025 with a grade of Magna cum Laude.
We encourage everyone to pray through the intercession of the Servant of God our sister Margaret.