
Each of us participates in the charism entrusted to our Foundress to enrich the life of the Church. Deeply grateful for our own call, we welcome as a gift of God each new member who shares this same vocation.
-Covenant of Love, p. 20
The postulancy, a time between six months and two years, provides the candidate with opportunities for personal growth and development in Christian maturity and assists her in discerning the authenticity of her vocation to religious life. At the end of this period, the postulant requests admission into the Community.
The novitiate is a two year period during which the novice is further introduced into the spirit, life, heritage and mission of our Congregation. She spends time in prayer, study of the evangelical counsels, meditation on Sacred Scripture, and participation in the liturgical life of the Church.
During the second year of novitiate, the novice is engaged in a three-month period of apostolic involvement within the Congregation in order to participate in community life on a local level, to better assess her skills for the apostolate, her spirit of initiative and adaptation, and her ability to integrate contemplation and action. Following this experience, the novice returns to the novitiate to complete her preparation for admission to First Vows. At the time of First Profession of Vows, the Sister receives the black veil, a silver cross, and the Constitutions of the Congregation.
Temporary Profession
The time of temporary profession lasts normally from three to five years. During this time, the sister renews her vows annually. She uses this time to increase personal responsibility for continuing spiritual and religious development, as well as learning to integrate spiritual, apostolic and community life. This time also provides the opportunity to begin/continue her studies.
With the guidance of her director, she continues to discern her readiness for a total commitment to God through Perpetual Profession. At the time of Perpetual Profession, the sister receives a silver ring on which is inscribed the words, “My Beloved is Mine, and I am His”.
Meet our Temporary Professed Sisters
On-Going Formation
On-going formation is a life-long, dynamic process of conversion and growth in human spiritual development. The on-going formation program seeks to foster our growth and helps us adjust to the many stages and transitions in life.
The sisters participate in communal gatherings, reflection days, and renewal experiences. Each year, they take part in an annual retreat.
A short review of the religious formation in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. On the audio track I used a song “For Your Glory” performed by The Nazareth Youth Community from Warsaw. For more information about The Nazareth Youth Community see their website: https://dmn-nazaret.pl/