Relic requests

1. Requests for first class relics may only be submitted by parish priests (pastors) or superiors of religious communities, with the clearly stated motive in the text: “For the public worship of the faithful”; requests made by lay people, no matter what office or ministry they perform in the Church, or by seminarians – will not be considered.
2. The request must be written on letterhead, with the official stamp and signature of the responsible person. The request should be sent by post to the following address:
Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
General Secretary
Via Nazareth, 400
00166 Rome, Italy
3. Requests (even if they are scanned originals) sent by e-mail or fax – will not be considered.
4. Usually a relic of one saint is sent, and usually to a given place where that saint holds a special place in the devotion of the people or where this devotion is to be developed; relics are not for the purpose of “collecting” them.
5. The Congregation only has the relics of the blessed from their own institute at its disposal; in the case of other saints / blessed, requests should be directed to the appropriate institute or diocese.